A downloadable game


In your post-apocalyptic world, magic is hidden in ancient spellbooks. The spells inside are powerful but fleeting. When you cast one, it disappears from the spellbook forever.

Spellbinder is a quick-play tabletop roleplaying game intended for 4-5 players. Players borrow books from a Little Free Library and use the words inside to cast powerful (but unpredictable) spells.


  • 3 six-sided dice
  • 1 small hourglass
  • Pencils and paper
  • Books from your local Little Free Library


  • The one-page rules for Spellbinder
  • A zine for you to leave in you local Little Free Library

Never folded a zine before? Check out Taylor Rushing's guide.


Spellbinder RPG 2.4 MB
Spellbinder Zine 1,011 kB

Development log


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Found a copy in the Little Free Library at McCormick Park a little while back—very clever concept to activate the kind of devalued books one tends to find inside a LFL.

Thanks! I’m glad people are finding the zines I’ve been scattering around Toronto. And yes, after visiting 70+ libraries, I’ve noticed the books on offer have been… interesting.


How does one exorcise the tiny wizard from a library? He is weaving his miniscule magicks atop a stack of Nancy Drew novels and WON'T STOP.


I love the idea of leaving a copy of the game in a Little Free Library!! That's fantastic! I have three right near my house!!

Thanks! I’ll be printing off a bunch myself and dropping them in little libraries all over Toronto very soon.